Trusted Decentralized Identities
In April 2024, the center was awarded a project entitled “Trusted Decentralized Identities”. The project is funded by the Digital Trust Centre (DTC), a Singapore national Centre at the Nanyang Technological University for coordinating research in trust technology.
A trusted digital identity is an essential component for securely and conveniently accessing services and authorizing transactions in cyberspace. With the rapid development of decentralized technologies and applications, such as distributed ledgers, Web3, and decentralized finance, there is an urging demand for decentralized digital identities (DID), also known as self-sovereign identities, which empower end users to create, own and govern their digital identities and assets in an autonomous, reliable, and privacy-preserving manner.
The overarching goal of this project is to develop and implement a trusted, versatile, reliable and user centric DID framework covering a complete DID lifecycle. Specifically, the project aims to investigate novel techniques for enabling key components and features that are either missing or inadequately addressed in the existing DID proposals.

Limitations of existing DID solutions
- Lack a fully user-centric approach to allow autonomous creation of DIDs with verifiable credentials by leveraging the existing digital credentials and evidences
- Need new solutions to reconcile and balance the privacy and accountability requirements in digital transactions involving self-created DIDs
Technical approach
- A DID-bridging mechanism to port identity attributes from valid sources
- Secure and scalable DID storage, version control, revocation, and wallet management by utilizing blockchain and cryptographic technologies
- Conditional auditing and tracing of anonymous but critical/suspicious transactions by authorized parties
Translation opportunities
- Work closely with collaborators (iSprint, ST Engineering) to meet users/market requirements
- Seek translational funding to develop an operational prototype and conduct extensive user trials